Join Futurewise and the Complete Communities Coalition for a Rally for Housing!
One Seattle for All: More Homes, More Neighbors, More Friends
Rally and Public Comment at City Hall
Where: Seattle City Hall
When: February 5th, 2025
Rally at 4 PM, Public Comment at 5 PM
Seattle is suffering from a major housing crisis that is pricing out too many of us. The good news is that we now have our once-in-a-decade chance to fix part of the problem by allowing more homes to be built and a greater variety of housing types to suit the variety of needs we all have. Join us for inspiring words from community leaders and policy experts, then attend the city council public comment session to tell our representatives that more housing is necessary and popular. We will have many people around to help you craft your 2 minute statement, so don't worry if you're not already deep in the weeds of zoning and the comprehensive plan.
If you can't join for the whole time, please show up for what you can. We want a big turnout to remind the council how many pro-housing voices there are! Public comment to council will go as late as required, so you may still have a chance to speak if you arrive at 7 PM or later.
Talking Points for Public Comment:
- Seattle’s housing crisis demands bold solutions. Allowing more homes citywide—like fourplexes, stacked flats, and mixed-use buildings—will increase affordability and inclusivity.
- Building more housing in the city, near transit and jobs is good for the environment. It reduces sprawl, curbs emissions, and helps meet our climate goals.
- Seattle faces an unprecedented housing affordability crisis. Our neighbors are being priced out of the city and I see firsthand how the lack of affordable housing options affects our city. Current restrictions on housing have contributed to this crisis. Our zoning has constrained housing supply while demand continues to grow. This particularly impacts young families, seniors, and essential workers.
- The One Seattle Plan is a major opportunity to create a more affordable, equitable, and sustainable city, with reforms to allow for more homes in more places.
- I support many of the strong proposals in the Mayor’s One Seattle Plan, including allowing fourplexes citywide, creating 30 new neighborhood centers, and expanding existing urban centers near transit. To make this plan even stronger, I ask you to adopt specific enhancements:
- Expand the proposed affordable housing density bonus citywide and create a similar bonus for lowrise zones.
- Allow for stacked flats all lots near frequent transit, regardless of size, to create more accessible housing.
- Expand mixed-use zoning along transit corridors to create space for childcare, grocery stores, and small businesses.
- And finally, establish more neighborhood centers in high-opportunity areas, like North Broadway, Gasworks, Loyal Heights, Alki, and Seward Park.